Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Grass green, I love that color!

Here's a look at the last few day's work. After I reconfigured the studio things are much clearer, I can think properly about color again! In a way, my Structures in Space series has done much to prepare me for this mural. I find myself thinking in those same processes, planning ahead the steps necessary to accomplish the depth needed. I can see where the blues, purples, greens, golds and browns will go, how big the brush strokes will have to be. It's wierd, but I'm beginning to think in terms of viewing distance. I knew I had to, but now it's making sense to me how to accomplish it, but I'm a little afraid I'll come up with a really good solution too early, and then forget it when I need to implement it. One bit at a time though, local colors first!

When the mural is finished, I would like to do more gigantic landscapes. I think I'm addicted. I also think I might run out of paint before it's through.

Note of interest: my workspace is really that neat in real life, I didn't clean it up for the picture. My computer desk however, is a completely different story!

I did this painting in 2007, Structures in Space no. 2. I think you might see what I meant earlier.

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