Sunday, February 20, 2011

Painting with molasses...

It's been nearly a month since my last post, and so here is the progress to date.

I've used almost half a quart of linseed oil since I've started. Yikes!

I'm sorry to say it's not at all at the point I'd like to have been at by now. I was hoping to be done with the color washes on these two panels by February, I've been shooting for 2-hours-per-dium but have fallen somewhat below that. Try 45-120 minutes every 2 or 3 days. I've had work obligations supercede time on the mural for the last six weeks. Not much I can do about that at the moment, but I can do something about my time management. What's been happening is this: barely crawl out of bed, go to work, come home, eat dinner, vegetate, paint/practice/fulfill some other chore/obligation, and go to bed frustrated at the lack of hours in the day. Some super-self-motivated-person-possessing-boundless-energy would have the problem licked by now, yet somehow over time I have developed the work ethic of a sloth. I've got to *insert appropriate turn of phrase expressing sudden responsible action* and worry about what I can change, instead of what I can't.

If there is an immovable block of time negating painting time, I shall work around it, and pick either: paint early in the morning, or paint right after dinner. Neither option looks good, since both will put me in combat with sleepiness and brain fog, but the upside is I'll have more hours in if I begin at those times. Maybe, with a little perserverence (and caffine, lot's of it), I can paint twice a day at those times.

I must be crazy, because I also have plans to mat more prints and originals and participate in an arts/crafts show in April, create more inventory for my etsy shop, and tinker with a half dozen other projects! Yup, I'm crazy...

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